How Can You Change the World . . . and Change Your Health?

Researchers tell us that when we tend to our neighbors, we tend to ourselves. Indeed, there's scientific evidence that volunteering regularly is good for the body. Giving your time to a good cause can . . .

  • Lower your blood pressure

  • Lower overall mortality rate

  • Decrease your risk of depression and anxiety

  • Bolster psychological wellbeing

Volunteer activities help you stay physically and mentally active. Besides, serving others is a social, purpose-driven activity — which likely releases feel-good hormones such as oxytocin and lowers pesky stress hormones such as cortisol. Yes, cortisol, the one that often leads to binge eating and wild calorie sprees!

The more you volunteer, the happier you get, ​according to a London School of Economics study. And if you combine a belief in God with your service, research shows this can also be a potent source of healing in your life.

The world needs YOU to get involved. And lucky for all of us, the benefits for us are tremendous.

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